
This website along with the Voronoi-Topological-Perception GitHub repository supplements the preprint paper Emergence of collective behaviors from local Voronoi topological perception (Gonzalez, Tisdell, Choksi, Nave).

The site is organized into four sections accessed via the navigation tabs at the top of the page. Additionally, one may find the written appendix to the article as a PDF document below on this page.


You are presently on the about page. It contains general information about the site as well as links to the Github repo and the preprint paper.
plane (real-time)
This section is a web application which implements and visualizes the VTP algorithm in the plane in real time. One may chose the number of agents, the strength of the alignment effect, and switch between the two versions of the model (I and II), as well as choose among various preset homing schemes, all in real time, while the simulation runs. This web application is meant only to provide an accessible ready-to-use way to explore the model and engage with the corresponding discussion in the preprint paper and to demonstrate the feasiblilty of real-time simulation/visualization. To modifiy and study the simulation beyond what this web application offers, we invite users to the GitHub repository where they can find the code for MatLab and JavaScript implementations.
bi-directional corridor
Here we showcase videos of (pre-compiled) simulations for the bi-directional corridor corresponding to the behavioral regimes discussed in the paper. We remark that real-time implementation of the VTP algorithm in this case is not substantially more difficult than in the plane case but the authors did not feel it necessary to demonstrate this twice, especially since we wish to highlight very specific features of the corridor simulations.
torus & sphere
Here we provide videos of simulations on the compact domains without boundary discussed in the paper.

Appendix to the article

The work featured on this website is jointly due to Gonzalez and Tisdell. The site itself was designed and written by Tisdell.